How to Manifest Your Soulmate in just seven simple steps

Do you ever feel like there’s someone out there for you? Someone special? You know, the kind of person who makes your heart pound and your pulse race? Is he the kind of person who makes you forget your problems for a few hours and all of the worries of the world?

The kind of person who—ideally—would be patient, kind, funny… and also good-looking? That’s probably how most people feel. Because in our fast-paced, modern world, it can be hard to imagine that there could possibly be someone else out there for us.

Especially when we’re alone. But according to relationships expert Dr Ian Kerner, everyone can have their soulmate. In fact, he says that finding your perfect match is easier than you think.

Because let’s face it: We’re all looking for love. Or at least some version of it—which is why he’s compiled this list of seven simple steps on how to manifest your soulmate in just seven steps.

>>> Discover the easiest way to identify who your true soulmate is by getting their sketch drawn by a reputable astrologist with years of experience helping people find love.

Put on your happy face

One of the best ways to attract a soulmate is to put on your happy face. Not only will it make you look happy, but it will also make the other person feel good, too. So, if you’re finding it hard to smile for pictures or videos, try boosting your mood by using this seven-step process.

  • smile (for real this time)
  • eat something healthy
  • do something you enjoy
  • write a thank-you note to someone
  • read a self-help book
  • do something that makes you feel productive
  • infuse your energy into something creative

This seven-step process will help you attract your ideal love.

Go out and meet people

If you’re feeling a little lonely, or you just want to make new friends, going out and meeting people can help you find friends and partners who are also looking for love. You can also try, which will help you find similar people in your area.

It’s best to make new friends first—not only will this help you feel more connected to others, but it’ll also make you feel more comfortable flirting and talking to people you don’t know well yet. After all, you’re going out and meeting new people, so you might as well have fun while doing it!

If you’re not sure where to start, try starting a conversation with strangers in a grocery store, at a coffee shop, or at the zoo. If you have a lot of free time on your hands, you can also search the internet for groups of people you’re interested in. There are plenty of meet-up groups for dating and relationship questions, too.

Keep an open mind

Open your mind to every possibility when it comes to love. If you’re having a hard time imagining someone as a soulmate, try to look past your fears and doubts and open yourself to the possibility that you might be wrong. It’s happened to all of us—people have found love they’ve never expected.

So, even if you think you’re the only one out there who wants to be with you, you might want to try looking in the mirror and seeing yourself as someone else would.

After all, you are the only one who can bring love into your life. So, if you’re not feeling it, it’s better to look in the mirror and accept that you’re not feeling it, rather than to keep denying it. After all, you have the power to change your thoughts, so it’s important to take control of your reality.

Learn to listen

It can be hard to talk to people you love about your feelings. You might worry or stress about what they might think if you tell them how you really feel. But this seven-step process will help you open yourself up to the possibility that you might not be the only one out there who feels the way you do.

Because let’s face it: No one is perfect, and no one ever will be. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, and you deserve to be heard when you’re feeling down.

So, pay attention to what other people are saying—even when you don’t have time for conversation. Pay attention when someone is laughing or talking about something else—you might be missing out on some really nice moments because you’re busy thinking about your problems.

Do some manifestation magic yourself

Okay, so this one might sound a little too superstitious for ya, but believe me, it works. When you’re feeling down or out of sorts, all you have to do is open a window, light some candles, sit down in front of a fire, or do whatever you can to make yourself feel happy. And, you know what? You’re going to feel so much better after doing this seven-step process.

This will help you open your mind to the possibility that you might be searching for love in all the wrong places. And, it might even help you find that special someone who is looking for the same thing.

Find someone who completes you

We’ve all been there: You’re at a bar with your soulmate, and you’re having the time of your life. You two look so happy and content, and you know that you’re the luckiest person in the world. But then, you realize that you need to let go, and it would be so easy to just walk away from this person and never look back.

But you can’t—you have to stay in this situation because you two are meant to be together. So, the next time you think you’re going to walk away, just hold on to your partner’s hand and stay connected to them. You can do the rest—hold on to your partner’s hand, dance with them, and enjoy the moment.


If you’re having a hard time finding someone to spend your life with, it’s important that you remember to stay positive. You’ll never find love if you think that love doesn’t exist at all.

Instead of thinking, “I can’t find anyone, and I’m not looking in the right places,” start thinking more positively. Tell yourself that you will find the right person for you. And, you will—you just need to be open and willing to accept the next person who comes into your life.

>>> Discover the easiest way to identify who your true soulmate is by getting their sketch drawn by a reputable astrologist with years of experience helping people find love.

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